SoilCASTOR enables the accurate and cost-effective determination of soil carbon stocks. SoilCASTOR uses an innovative approach and a wealth of global datapoints.
Soils contain more than three times the amount of carbon compared with the atmosphere.
Regenerative farming practices are key in improving soil health. Healthy soils are therefore a prerequisite for a diverse soil life
A sufficient level of carbon in the soil can help to prevent diseases, drought stress and nutrient losses
SoilCASTOR uses the AgroCares scanner to rapidly, affordably and accurately measure soil carbon stock in the field
By using a mobile NIR scanner, there is no need for expensive wet chemistry analysis.
By leveraging of more than 17.000 analysed samples at AgroCares' in-house laboratory and the latest developments in deep learning technologies.
Over the last decade the AgroCares scanner has become available in more than 20 countries and on every continent.
Together NMI, AgroCares and Wageningen University developed SoilCASTOR to lower the barriers for farmers in getting reliable data for soil health monitoring.
By using Conditioned Latin Hypercube Sampling the number of sampling locations can be minimized
Carbon stocks are modelled dynamically with innovative machine learning algorithms.
Powerful combination of in-situ measurements with the AgroCares scanner and satellite data from Sentinel 1 and 2
Transform insight into action and take steps to increase carbon stocks in the soil.
SoilCASTOR has won the international innovation Carbon Challenge hosted by Bayer Grants4Tech.
This can be a farm or a collection of farms.
Attain each specific sampling location
Instantaneous estimate of carbon content
Get an estimate of soil carbon stock in Soil Organic Carbon and CO2 equivalent per hectare.
Director Dutch Carbon Credits
For small-scale farmers we evaluate and measure soil carbon stocks on land used for sugar cane production. Empowering these farmers to farm carbon diversifies their revenue
For mid-sized crop farmers in Iowa and Arkansas soil carbon stocks over a range of soil types were determined. Participants can increase their soil health, biodiversity and climate resilience whilst diversifying their revenue streams
For mid-sized grassland farmers in the Netherlands we have determined the carbon stocks and provided them with advice on how to increase and valorise their soil carbon stock.
We're here to answer your questions and help you to get started with soil carbon monitoring
SoilCASTOR enables to measure accurately soil carbon stock at farm level and is developed by NMI, AgroCares and Wageningen University.
Nieuwe Kanaal 7C, 6709 PA Wageningen, The Netherlands