Learn everything about Carbon Farming

Winner Bayer Grants4Tech Carbon Challenge

SoilCASTOR has won the international innovation Carbon Challenge hosted by Bayer Grants4Tech. Measuring soil carbon is crucial not only for soil health and productivity, but also for climate mitigation.

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What is Carbon Farming?

Carbon farming is the process of actively increasing the amount of carbon stored in soils. This mitigates ongoing climate change, because it takes carbon from the atmosphere and captures it in the soil. It leverages the natural capacity of soils to store carbon in the form of soil organic matter.

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A Scientific Roadmap to Carbon Credits

For the determination of carbon credits it is crucial that they are robustly determined and follows from active and conscious efforts (additionality) and is retained for a long period of time (permanence).

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How Much Carbon Can Soils Store?

How much carbon are we able to sequester in soil? Are we able to realise this maximum potential and through whet pathways? This blog explores the maximum potential for soil carbon sequestration and showcases the potential pathways for soil carbon increase in the Netherlands.

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SoilCASTOR enables to measure accurately soil carbon stock at farm level and is developed by NMI, AgroCares and Wageningen University.


Nieuwe Kanaal 7C, 6709 PA Wageningen, The Netherlands


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